Payment Terms & Refunds
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Payment Terms:
This document covers three main product scenarios relating to advertising fees:
1. Related to a 3 rd party business entity (as the advertiser of a product or service) for display advertising costs on over a set period of time (e.g. 1 month).
2. Related to a person and/or entity who wishes to advertise & sell their product / service on (e.g. Private sale of a new or used vehicle) over a set period of time (e.g. 1 month).
3. Related to advertising other promotional content on over a set period of time (e.g. 1 month).
Payment will be relating to the term of sale, unless specifically and otherwise advised for each scenario and entails:
- Payment in advance (PIA) for the advertisement selected, whereby upon successful payment is received.
- The amount paid will directly relate the duration of time the selected product scenario.
Refunds Policy:
If you choose to terminate or failure to proceed ahead with any of the above advertising scenarios, your payment fee will be non -refundable.
Advertising fee refunds or credits are generally not applicable on may consider refund requests at its discretion on a case by case basis
For all refund requests to be considered please email: